Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Updates on life ...

Since I haven't posted on here in about 6 months I figured I should update everyone on what's been going on ...

My dad's eye healed, but it took all Summer. He was finally going to church and driving again when he fell in the house one night right before we were all going to bed. His back was hurting, but he was convinced he would be fine. Eleven days later when my mom finally convinced him to go to the doctor we found out that he had broken his lower back and that it's been in a constant state of spasm (OUCH!). Nothing can be done for a broken back except for rest and prayer. He's been sitting and sleeping in his recliner since this happened (I think it was in late October or early November) because it's where he's most comfortable. When he feels a little better his doctor is going to test him for osteoporosis and also send a nurse to the house to do physical therapy with him until he feels well enough to drive to the physical therapy place himself.

Because of all of this (and some other health related reasons) my dad has officially retired from his pastorate at Leominster Assembly. But he's far from retired from ministry. :)

My mom is now working more hours at the church to help make up of the loss of my dad's income (he's on Social Security, but they don't give you much). She's also singing on the Sunday morning worship team, leading the Wednesday night worship team and in the Christmas choir. Besides all that, she has taken on almost the role of caregiver to my dad since he can't do much for himself because it hurts too much and we're all afraid that he'll fall again. She's been stressed out and needs lots of prayer so she can feel at peace as she becomes the strong one in her marriage at this time.

We're selling our house. Because my dad isn't working anymore we can't afford the payments, so we're selling. It's been on the market for a while now, but we're trusting that God will sell it in His time. This has made us all a little stressed out since the house has to be ready to be shown at all times, but it has been nice to have a completely clean house. :) When we sell we may not stay in the area. My dad has been looking at houses in North Carolina and other warm states because he doesn't want to live through another New England winter and because it's cheaper to live in NC.

I'm in school and working. This past semester has been crazy, but absolutely awesome!! I love my early ed classes and can't wait to graduate and get working. Which may be as soon as May!! If everything works out (I have to get an independent study approved) I will be walking in graduation in May of 2009 and getting my diploma in July of '09 when my class is done. I'm so excited!!!

Those are the headlines of life in the Salliby house as of now. I'll let you know when things start to change.

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