Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I love Thanksgiving. Every part of it. I love the season it's in. I love the food. I love the parade. I love the family atmosphere. I love that most of the college kids come home. I love that it begins a season that changes America - a season of giving. And I love the whole concept - a day set aside simply to give thanks. Who would think that in a society that is constantly reaching and grabbing for more we would take the time to stop and give thanks?

This got me thinking though - who are we thanking? I know that as Christians we thank God, but who does the world thank? Themselves? The government? Who do you credit for the blessings you have when you don't believe in God? I guess a lot of people do believe in God - they just don't acknowledge Him until the Holidays.

It's sad really - living without God. How do these people make it through the day? How do you deal with the ups and downs of life without the knowledge that God knows what's going on even if you don't? Where's the peace? The joy? They don't have any do they? People that live without God ... they don't have peace and joy, at least not the real thing.

What are we going to do about that?

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."


Judy said...

Yeah!!! I'm so glad your blogging!! It's fun and totally addictive!! I'll have to add your link to my blog page!!

Anonymous said...

Give to God what is Gods :) you're right. Who do people who don't believe in God thank?? They go to say "Thank God for..." and then stop themselves because they now realize where everything comes from and don't want to admit it. Great post!