Sunday, November 28, 2010

What does being a Christian really look like?

It seems like the older I get the harder being a Christian is. What does being a good Christian really look like? Some say it's loving people. Just loving people. Some say it's being set apart. Others say it's being as in the world as possible so that we can reach the lost. Some say it's relying on the Holy Spirit to tell us what to do. One wise person told me it's simple, "just follow". All of these people have Scripture that seemingly backs up their beliefs. So which one is right? Or are they all right?

I've been learning that it's ok for people to live out their Christianity differently. God gave each of us different personalities and spiritual gifts and He made us unique for a reason - He doesn't want all of us to be the exact same Christian. But what parts of Christianity are absolutes that must be followed? Jesus being the only way to Heaven is definitely one. The trinity. The Bible is the infallible Word of God. What else? What is personal conviction and what must be followed to the letter?

I get that figuring all of this out is part of working out my salvation and also part of growing up, but that doesn't make the answers come any easier.

Thank God for the Bible and the ability to read it. :)

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